About Us

What We're All About

BACORD is a non-governmental and not-for-profit organization founded in Mogadishu.
In 2010 by a group of educated, dynamic and like-minded youth working in the community development sector, came together to establish an organization, for addressing the most urgent and pressing needs of
the people of Somalia with a mission to provide people affected by human and natural crises.
BARSAN Community Relief and Development subsequently registered under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the federal republic of Somalia through under Article 22, Para 1, 2, 3; Article 26 and Article 67
Para3 of the transitional federal charter of Somalia in 2004, as well as the Article 7, Article 26 and Article 32 of the first constitution of Somalia in 1960.
However, BARSAN Community relief and development particularly targets the most vulnerable members of the society mainly women and children, it focuses on issues of WASH, Health, Livelihood, Education,
Skill Development, as well as other human rights issues such as Protection, HIV/AIDs, Gender with special focus on women and youth empowerment through civic education,The type of activities undertaken by the organization range from capacity building to service delivery,
with focus remaining on the deprived and marginalized segments of the society. Whereas in terms of operations what characterizes Bacord’s functioning are its efforts to (a) Enlist involvement of the locals when initiating activities at the grass root level; and (b) Mobilize community for bringing peace, tolerance, and development in society.
Although a somewhat new entry in the development arena, Bacord – owing to the linkages of its members with national & international funding agencies – enjoys a diverse portfolio, characterized by partnership with organization.

Mission Statement

The Mission of BACORD is to contribute in improving the living standard of the vulnerable communities through community mobilization, capacity building, advocacy & strengthening of institutions at the grass root level

Vision Statement

An enabling environment for the realization, respect, and protection of fundamental human rights among community and develop their leadership qualities to make them active contributor within the society


A sustainable strategy is devised to achieve the maximum need based problem with fully community involvement and mobilizing all indigenous and local resources. The program goal is materialized with a helping hand from member donor agencies, Philanthropists


During the process of social mobilization, BACORD adopted a participatory, self-help, self-sustainable approach through community involvement and formation of volunteer groups in remote rural areas of SOMALIA


Sustainable rural development is a dynamic process posing various needs at different phases of time. These can be dealt with continuous interventions based on designed frameworks that incorporate the requirements projected by the communities and with the help of the communities by strategizing for public-private partnership.

Scope of Work

BACORD has strong linkages with NGOs and funding agencies working in SOMALIA. It has undertaken initiatives in Somalia regions with special reference to Jameeco jilyaale, Madaxgisi, and Masiirey in Middle shabelle region, through collaboration with local CBOs and activists. BACORD enjoys a rich experience of working in the diverse socio-cultural environment of Somalia and an extensive networking with the District & regional Governments, civil society institutions, media

Scope of Work

BACORD has strong linkages with NGOs and funding agencies working in SOMALIA. It has undertaken initiatives in Somalia regions with special reference to Jameeco jilyaale, Madaxgisi, and Masiirey in Middle shabelle region, through collaboration with local CBOs and activists. BACORD enjoys a rich experience of working in the diverse socio-cultural environment of Somalia and an extensive networking with the District & regional Governments, civil society institutions, media

Organizational Values

Values guiding our work

Guiding Principles:

BACORD Donors/ Partners

Thematic Program/ Areas of Focus